North West, RUSTENBURG, Urban area / North West, RUSTENBURG, Bellevue 311 JQ, old cemetery / (3 of 7 images)
Cemetery information:-
Grafte direk langs Bellevue 311, op Rustenburgdorpsgronde, moontlik voorheen bekend as Witpensfontein, naby aan Watsonialaan. (Ged 2, deel van ged A van Bellevue 311.JQ)
Jak van den Bergh.
Album incomplete. There are ten graves, three are unmarked.
eGGSA captions by: Lorraine Beechey, Magda Alberts & Ken Garvie
The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the cemetery location.
Cemetery ID: 5725
Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:-
GPSID: 6854
GPS: -25 40.436, 27 11.762
MEYJES Foscus Leonard, POSTHUMUS 1841-1912 & Aaltje WADMAN 1851-1927
contributed by: Jak van den Bergh
viewed 253 times