North West, RUSTENBURG, Urban area / North West, RUSTENBURG, NG Moederkerk, Derdepoort Oorlogsmonument & Muur van Herinnering / (6 of 6 images)
Album inligting:-
Monument by die NG Kerk, Moedergemeente, Rustenburg vir die mense wat gesneuwel het en vermoor is te Derdepoort tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog.
Album complete, we have photographs of all the panels with inscriptions on. Memorial wall still in use.
eGGSA captions by: Heleen Nel, Dal Good & Kokkie Duminy
Information also available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:-
Cemetery ID: 221
Information submitted by: Peter and Beverley Moss
Google Earth Project Information:-
GPSID: 221
GPS: -25 40.308, 27 14.707
6. Hoeksteen NGK Rustenburg 1898
contributed by: Susan Young
viewed 90 times